Shark Quest - Shark School
Ocean City & Florida Keys
Because we are involved with assisting scientists in a number of different shark research projects, every shark we catch provides some measure of data to one or more studies. Some sharks are simply measured, released, and recorded. Some sharks are tagged with basic recapture type tags while some are fitted with expensive high-tech satellite transmitters. Every shark landing is important and logged into our daily shark data sheet which records the location, shark species, sex, length, estimated weight, bait used, type of hook used, location of the hook-set, depth hooked, time of day, water temperature, and various other aspects of the catch. This data is made available to shark researchers and marine managers.
During the summer our educational expeditions are run aboard the 40' FISH FINDER in Ocean City and during the winter we use our 17’ FISH’N FLY in the Florida Keys. All trips are a blend of fishing, education, and research. In most cases our passengers will use sport-fishing tackle to bring the sharks to the boat where they can be closely examined, measured, tagged, photographed, and then safely released back into their own environment.
Ever want to watch sharks freely swimming and feeding around a boat, inspect the extraordinary sensory receptors that help them detect their prey, tell a male from a female, or learn to identify different shark species? Or how would you like to touch and have your picture taken with a live shark?
Having the proper equipment, permits, decades of experience, and an extensive knowledge of sharks allows us to present these opportunities to the public in a format that is not only exciting and educational, but also safe for both our clients and the sharks they encounter.
2025 Pricing
Location: Ocean City, Maryland
Boat: Fish Finder
Passengers: up to six
Prices are for the whole boat (NOT per person)
- Near Shore / Half Day - $750 / 7:00 AM to Noon -or- 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM
- Near Shore / Full Day - $1100 / 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
- Offshore / Full Day - $1500 / 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Location: Florida Keys
Boat: Fish’n Fly
Passengers: up to two
- Half Day - $500 / 4-hours
- 3/4 Day - $600 / 6-hours
- Full Day - $700 / 8-hours
Other Information
Those interested in taking part in an expedition may contact us days or months in advance to reserve the boat for their own group of up to six people. Morning trips will leave the dock at 7:am and return at noon, while afternoon trips will leave at 1:pm and return at 6:pm.
Educational Shark Encounter trips provide a safe and exciting offshore voyage where men, women, and children have the opportunity to enjoy not only time on the water, but also the chance to learn firsthand about the habits and biology of one of the ocean's most intriguing predators as they assist the advancement of marine science through tagging and the collection of important shark data.